Seeing The Funny Side

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gold Coast Marathon!

Because hubby works for the airport and they are the major sponsors of the Gold Coast Airport Marathon, they got a corporate team together to compete in the marathon (and other events).. The rest of the family got roped in to doing the 5km walk... Here are some pics!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Clothes from Aunty Cath...

Look what Aunty Cath sent from London!!!!

Alyssa in her "Angel" underground suit..
Ryan in his London shirt (which he now refuses to take off)
Alyssa again (just because I think she's cute)
Ryan tries on Alyssas bib..

Having a chat..
At the beach this morning..
Alyssa does a little sunbathing...

As promised here are some more pics...

Here is Alyssa in her first MCN - An Itti-Bitti.. I am so pleased to be using cloth nappies again!!
Alyssa and Nathan, my friends 10 month old. He wanted to get in the rocker with her..
She wasn't too sure...
Having a snooze with her "Pooh blanket" (Well, Ryan's actually, but he gave it to her)
This is how I found Ryan sleeping the other night, he was lying over the car and he was also hugging it. When I turned him over to put him into bed properly the car came with him..

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Smiley Girl

Alyssa is starting to show a happy little personality.. She'll be 8 weeks old in a few days and the time has just flown by..
Big grin for the camera..
This one's for mummy!
And sleeping like an angel...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Growing up too fast...

The little princess is 7 weeks old now.. Gosh that's gone so fast!!!

She is looking more like her daddy now..

Loving her "tummy time"
The little fella and I got down on the floor and kept her company..
Then the little fella lay down and had a chat with her.. So cute!!

The Mudgeeraba Show

Here are some pics from the show!

Here's hubby "multi-tasking"

The little fella hanging out with his mate Riley

Supervising the fire brigade stand.
Jumping on the jumping castle.. In the middle of this photo you can see a denim bum and a pair of red socks.. They belong to the little fella... I thought it was a great action shot.

The little princess enjoyed the show too!! She tried on Hubby's hat for size..

The Mudgeeraba Show

This weekend was the Mudgeeraba Show.. It's our local "country show" so we all went along as we do every year.. The little fella was old enough to enjoy it this year and we had a blast!

Trying out a quad bike...

"driving" the merry-go-round

Having a horse ride.. (the kid is a natural, he must take after his Auntie Louise)

All dressed up and ready for fun!! Look at his cute gumboots too!!

Daddy cuddles all round!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Today's Pics...

Alyssa - 6 weeks Alyssa - 6 weeks & Ryan 26 months + 3 weeks :-)

2 x toddlers + 2 x Tonka trucks = a whole lot of fun!

The kids and I went to visit a friend of mine this morning.. It's been raining here for the last couple of days and the toddlers were going nuts inside so we let them run around outside in the mud with a couple of Tonka trucks... It kept them amused and happy for a good couple of hours....

When they were done we just brought them in and put them in the bath..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm training him young...

The little fella was in the bath the other night and found a scrubbing brush I use to clean the soapy ring off the bath..   I watched for a couple of minutes and found that he learns quick.. 

I have now delegated bathroom cleaning duties to the little fella..  He did such a lovely job :-)

By Popular Demand

OK, so I have been a bit slack with posting new pics..  Anyone would think I have a toddler and a newborn to look after or something...    Anyway, here are some new pics!!

Ryan showing Alyssa some of his lovely habits..  "Like this Sissa..  Just put your finger in the nostril, and wait for Mummy to say something."

My two beautiful kids!
Daddy gets a smile...

Birthday time...

Last monday was hubby's birthday so we had a yummy family dinner to celebrate..   

Here's Me (and the little princess), Mar Mar and Auntie "wiese" enjoying our cake
Hubby and the little fella blowing out the candles..  The little fella even sang the happy birthday song and joined in the "hip hip horays" very enthusiastically. "Birday to daddy. Canles? *blow* RAY!!" (no spelling errors, I wrote it as he pronounces it).
The cake I made..  The little fella had control of the food colouring dropper so the cake's blueness is all his doing..
Look!!  I just ate cake!!